There shall be present in food establishment operations, (meat, bakery and deli) only those poisonous or toxic materials necessary for maintaining the operation, cleaning and sanitizing equipment and utensils.
(a) Poisonous and toxic materials are to be kept in their original containers, or the containers of poisonous or toxic materials shall be prominently and distinctly labeled for easy identification of contents.
(b) Poisonous or toxic materials consist of the following categories:
(1) Pesticides
(2) Detergents, sanitizers and related cleaning or drying agents
(3) Flammables
(4) Corrosives
(c) Each of the four categories set forth in subsection (b) hereof shall be stored and physically located separate from each other. All poisonous or toxic materials shall be stored in cabinets or in a similar physically separate place used for no other purposes. To preclude contamination, poisonous or toxic materials shall not be stored above food, food equipment, utensils, or single-service articles; except that this requirement does not prohibit the convenient equipment availability of detergents or sanitizers at utensil or washing stations.
(d) Bactericides, cleaning compounds or other compounds intended for use on food contact surfaces shall not be used in a way that leaves a toxic residue on such surfaces that constitutes a hazard to employees or other persons.
(e) Poisonous or toxic materials shall not be used in a way that contaminates food, equipment or utensils; nor in a way that constitutes a hazard to employees or other persons; nor in a way other than in full compliance with the manufacturers' labeling.
(f) Personal medications shall not be stored in food storage, preparation or service areas.
(g) First aid supplies shall be stored in a way that prevents them from contaminating food and food contact surfaces.
(Res. 94. Passed 6-29-88.)
(a) Premises.
(1) Food establishment operations and all parts of property used in connection with their operations shall be kept free of litter or rubbish.
(2) The walking and driving surfaces of all exterior areas of food establishment operations shall be surfaced with concrete, asphalt or with gravel or similar material effectively treated to facilitate maintenance and minimize dust. These surfaces shall be graded to prevent pooling and shall be kept free of litter.
(3) Only articles necessary for the operation and maintenance of the food establishment operation shall be stored on the premises.
(4) The traffic of unnecessary persons through the food preparation and utensil washing areas is prohibited.
(5) Maintenance and cleaning tools such as brooms, mops, vacuum cleaners and similar equipment shall be maintained and stored in a way that does not contaminate food, utensils, equipment or linens and shall be stored in an orderly manner.
(b) Living Quarters and Laundry. No portion of a food establishment operation shall be conducted in any room used as a living or sleeping quarters. Food establishment operations shall be separated from any living and/or sleeping quarters by complete partitioning and solid, self-closing doors with an intervening vestibule or public area, except those operations exempted by the Director.
(c) Linen Storage.
(1) Clean clothes and linens shall be stored in a clean place and protected from contamination until used.
(2) Soiled clothes and linens shall be stored in nonabsorbent containers or washable laundry bags until removed for laundering, and shall be located so as not to contaminate the food.
(Res. 94. Passed 6-29-88.)
The Board of Health may grant a hearing to an operator and authorize in specific cases, such variance from the requirements of these regulations as will not be contrary to the public interest, where the operator shows that because of practical difficulties or other special conditions, their strict application will cause unusual and unnecessary hardship. However, no variance shall be granted that will defeat the spirit and general intent of these regulations, or otherwise, not be in the public interest.
(Res. 94. Passed 6-29-88.)
All regulations and resolutions and parts of regulations and resolutions in conflict with this chapter are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflicts only. This chapter shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and its publication as provided by law.
(Res. 94. Passed 6-29-88.)