(a) For purposes of this Property Maintenance Code, an officer, agent or employee of a corporation (for profit or otherwise), partnership, joint venture, unincorporated association, estate, trust or other commercial or legal entity may be prosecuted for an offense committed by such organization, if that person acts with the kind of culpability required for the commission of the offense, and any of the following apply:
(1) In the name of the organization or in its behalf, that person engages in conduct constituting the offense, or causes another to engage in such conduct, or tolerates such conduct when it is of a type for which that person has direct responsibility;
(2) That person has primary responsibility to discharge a duty imposed on the organization by law, and such duty is not discharged.
(b) When that person is convicted of an offense by reason of this section, he/she is subject to the same penalty as if he/she had acted in his/her own behalf.
(Ord. 10984/96. Passed 12-11-96.)