(a) Each day a violation of the Part Thirteen - Building Code remains unabated shall constitute a separate violation of the Building Code.
(Ord. 10635/94. Passed 2-23-94.)
(b) Except as otherwise expressly provided within the Building Code, whoever violates any provisions of the Building Code arising from the Ohio Building Code shall be fined one thousand dollars ($1.000) and imprisoned for no less than three days and no more than six months, per violation.
(Ord. 11836/05. Passed 2-23-05.)
(Ord. 11836/05. Passed 2-23-05.)
(c) Except as otherwise expressly provided within the Building Code, whoever violates any provisions of the Building Code arising from the 2000 IRC International Residential Code or the Residential Code of Ohio for One-, Two- and Three-Family Dwellings (as in effect on May 27, 2006) and all subsequent revisions, additions and appendices thereto shall be fined two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), and imprisoned for no less than three days and no more than one month, per violation.
(d) Except as otherwise expressly provided within the Building Code, whoever violates any provision of the Building Code not arising from the Ohio Building Code, or the 2000 IRC International Residential Code or the Residential Code of Ohio for One-, Two- and Three-Family Dwellings, (as in effect on May 27, 2006) and all subsequent revisions, additions and appendices thereto, shall be fined five hundred dollars ($500.00), and imprisoned for no less than three days and no more than three months, per violation.
(Ord. 11950/06. Passed 4-12-06.)
(e) For purposes of this Chapter 1313
, and for purposes of the entire Part Thirteen - Building Code, the language "Building Code" or "Code" means the Building Code of the City of Warren which is codified as Part Thirteen - Building Code.
(f) The imposition of the penalties herein prescribed shall not preclude the Law Director from instituting an appropriate action or proceeding to prevent an unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance, use or to restrain, correct or abate a violation, or to prevent the occupancy of a building or structure or portion thereof, or of the premises, or to prevent an illegal act, conduct business or use in or about any premises.
(Ord. 10635/94. Passed 2-23-94.)
(Ord. 10635/94. Passed 2-23-94.)