(a)   Visual Impacts. Alternatives analysis: In siting new wireless antennas, service providers shall explore alternatives to new monopoles and towers that reduce visual impacts. Applications for new free-standing monopoles or towers shall include a thorough analysis of the potential for collocation or building-mounted alternatives as a means of reducing visual clutter. At a minimum, this analysis shall identify the location of all existing monopoles and towers, and water towers within a half-mile radius of the proposed site. Applications shall provide an explanation of why collocation has not been proposed at each of these sites and access the potential for building-mounted alternatives.
   Free-standing monopoles: New free-standing monopoles shall be located and designed to minimize public visibility. Where visibility cannot be avoided, additional landscaping or other visual amenities shall be provided to compensate for the visual impact of the use. Ancillary equipment shall be adequately screened. Antennas shall be integrated into the architecture of the building and camouflaged when possible.
   (b)   Height. Monopoles shall conform to the zoning district height limits established above. Monopoles may exceed the Zoning Code height limit where a variance can be granted provided that public visibility is minimal or additional landscaping or other visual amenities are provided to compensate for the visual impact to the use. A building or structure-mounted antenna may exceed the zoning height limit where a variance can be granted when the proposal is architecturally integrated into the building. The height of antennas mounted on top of building shall be in proportion to the height of the building.
   (c)   Collocation of Facilities on a Single Monopole. Collocation is allowed provided the facilities do not increase the original height to the monopole by more than fifteen feet and the ancillary equipment cabinet or building is adequately screened and does not eliminate required parking.
   (d)   Setback from Residential Uses. Free-standing monopoles shall be located no closer to a residentially occupied structure than one foot for every one foot of structure height. Substantial landscaping, (ten feet minimum) shall be provided to buffer the adjoining residential uses. Building or structure-mounted antennas shall be located a minimum of fifty feet horizontally from any residentially occupied structure.
   (e)   Front Yard Setback. No tower, monopole or antenna shall be located in the front setback area of any lot, nor in the side yard setback area adjoining the street on a corner lot in any zoning district in the City.
   (f)   Parking. Wireless communications facilities shall not reduce existing parking on the site unless the zoning district parking requirements can still be met.
   (g)   Vacant Sites. Wherever possible, monopoles developed on vacant sites shall be removed and replaced with building-mounted antennas when the site is developed.
   (h)   Signs, Lights, and Attachments. No monopole, tower, or antenna shall have attached to it any sign for the purpose of advertising, nor shall it have any lights, reflectors, flashers, or other illuminating device attached or affixed to it in any way except during time of repair or installation, except as required by the Federal Aviation Agency or the Federal Communications Commission, nor shall it have constructed thereto, in any way, any platform, catwalk, crow’s nest, or like structure, except during times of construction or repair. When incorporated into the approved design of the tower, light fixtures used to illuminate ball fields, parking lots, or similar areas may be attached to the tower.
   (i)   Protected. All monopoles and towers affixed to the ground shall be protected to discourage climbing of the tower by unauthorized persons.
(Ord. 11111/97. Passed 12-10-97.)