1169.02 POLICY.
   New wireless communication antennas shall be sited to minimize visual impacts. New freestanding monopoles shall not be implemented where building mounting or collocated facilities are feasible and would reduce visual impacts. Wireless communication service providers are encouraged to design new monopoles to accommodate future collocated facilities of lesser height and to cooperate in efforts to collocate new antennas on existing facilities. All new monopoles shall be time-conditioned to allow periodic evaluation of opportunities for collocating additional antennas on the approved facility and an assessment of technological changes that may allow reduction in the height of the pole or otherwise reduce its impacts. In cases where new monopoles are necessary, the poles and antennas shall be designed and located to minimize visibility. Additional landscaping, or other visual amenities shall be considered to compensate for visual impacts of the use.
(Ord. 11111/97. Passed 12-10-97.)