Only one main building may be located on any lot in any Residence District, including thereon the customary accessory buildings.
   Parapet walls not exceeding four feet in height, chimneys, ventilators, cooling towers, elevators, bulkheads, tanks, radio and television towers, ornamental towers, monuments, cupolas, domes and spires may be erected above the height limits established.
   Every part of a yard required herein shall be open and unobstructed from the lowest point at the ground level to the sky, except for the ordinary projections of window sills, belt courses and other ornamental features to the extent of not more than four inches.
   No building may be built on any lot which does not abut at least one public street.
   No lot shall be reduced in area so that yards, lot area per family, lot width or other requirements of this Zoning Ordinance are not maintained. This provision shall not apply when a portion of a lot is acquired for a public purpose.
(Ord. 6171/63. Passed 12-2-63.)