In a Planned Unit Industrial District each business shall provide a minimum of one parking space for each 600 square feet of gross floor space contained in buildings of such business or one parking space for each employee plus adequate parking for visitors, as determined hy Planning Commission. All parking areas shall be located to the rear of the building. Any deviation from this must be approved by the Planning Commission.
   Any parking lot providing space for four or more vehicles shall provide a wall, fence, curb or other device which will, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, prevent the parking of vehicles or any portion thereof closer than one foot to adjoining lots and/or buildings or abutting street lines.
   Loading or unloading docks or entrances shall be located so as not to protrude or encroach into the front yard setback. Loading or unloading docks or entrances located in close proximity to the front yard setback shall be enclosed and no vehicle during the loading or unloading process shall protrude into the front yard setback.
(Ord. 8529/77. Passed 11-28-77.)