(a) Commercial buildings and establishments shall be planned as groups having common parking area and common ingress and egress points in order to reduce the number of potential accident locations at intersections with thoroughfares. Where such commercial developments face on dedicated streets, there shall be created a minimum "green strip" of twenty-five feet planted with grass and landscaped with the purpose of providing a vertical green combination of shrubs and trees between the dedicated street and the commercial development.
In reviewing the design of the required green strip, the Planning Commission shall give consideration to the potential maximum right-of-way widths.
(b) The plan of the project shall provide for the integrated and harmonious design of buildings and for properly arranged facilities for internal traffic circulation, landscaping and any and all other features to make the project attractive from the standpoint of adjoining and surrounding existing or potential developments.
(c) Off-street parking, loading and service areas shall be provided in accordance with the ratios and other requirements as stated in Chapter 1165
except that the same may be increased for good cause shown.
(Ord. 7607/73. Passed 4-2-73.)