Council may, on its own motion, amend this Zoning Ordinance, changing the shape, area or the regulations for any district herein created, subject to the following provisions:
(a)    All such draft legislation shall be referred to the Planning Commission and to the Buildings and Grounds Committee of Council at its first reading.
(b)    The Planning Commission shall submit to the Clerk of Council and to the chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee a recommendation concerning each draft referred to it, by no later than the thirtieth day following the day of such referral. All such recommendations shall be in writing, shall contain explicit reasons for the recommendation and shall be signed by the secretary and one other member of the Commission.
(c)    Council shall take no final action upon any such draft legislation until such recommendation has been received or the thirty-day period has elapsed. This section shall apply only to final passage of legislation and shall not prevent Council from taking any and all steps preliminary thereto.
(d)    Changes and amendments substantially conforming to the recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be adopted by a majority vote of the total membership of Council, after public notice and hearing thereon. All other changes shall be adopted only by a three-fourths vote of the total membership of Council, after public notice and hearing thereon.
(e)    For the purposes of this section, draft legislation will be deemed to substantially conform to the recommendation of the Planning Commission if so certified by the Director of Law.
      (Ord. 6705/67. Passed 1-3-67.)