1119.06 FORMS TO B E USED.
   The following forms shall be used on the final plat of a subdivision:
(I/We) being the sole (owner/owners) of the land herein platted do hereby approve of the plat as shown and do hereby dedicate to the public all roads, parks, planting strips, easements, etc., shown herein and not heretofore dedicated.
The undersigned further agrees that any use or improvement made on this land shall be in conformity with all existing valid zoning, platting, health or other lawful rules and regulations including the applicable off-street parking and loading requirements of the City of Warren, Ohio.
In witness thereof                                    have hereunto set their hands this                    day of                                  , 19         .
Witness:                                      Signed:                                  
State of Ohio )
County of Trumbull )
   Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County personally came
                                    who acknowledged the signing of the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein expressed.
   In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed by official seal this
                     day of                                , 19      .
                     Notary Public
I hereby certify that the above plat and the survey it represents is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Monuments and iron pins as indicated. Distances are in feet and decimals thereof.
                     Registered Surveyor
Approved by the Planning Commission of Warren, Ohio, this                         day
of                                  , 19          .
Approved by the City Engineer of Warren, Ohio, this                                day of
                                    , 19          .
City Engineer
Entered for transfer this                              day of                                        ,
19          .
                     County Auditor
Received for record at                  (A.M./P.M.) o'clock this                             day of                                      , 19           .
                     County Recorder
(For subdivision of land in the unincorporated areas within the three-mile jurisdiction of the Planning Commission, see "Land Subdivision Regulations" for Trumbull County for typical certificates and approvals and standard forms of these regulations.)
(Ord. 5921/62. Passed 5-14-62.)