Each applicant for examination or appointment to the Fire Department is directed and required to submit himself to a thorough medical examination by a competent physician who is legally licensed to practice medicine and surgery in the State, and practicing at the time of such examination in the City. Such examination and a written report thereof by the physician shall be made and filed with the appointing officer to the Fire Department at the time application is made for examination to such Department by each applicant.
   The report of such medical examination shall be made on forms approved by Council. Such forms shall be furnished by the Director of Public Service and Safety upon request.
   In event such report of physical examination reveals any defect or disability of such character as to impair the applicant's complete fitness for active duty, the appointing authority shall immediately serve written notice upon the Civil Service Commission, describing the defect or disability and protesting the applicant's admission to examination.
   The appointing officer for positions to the Fire Department of the City shall make no appointment of an applicant when such medical examination provided for herein shows that such applicant is physically disabled so as to be rendered unfit for the full performance of the duties of the position which he seeks.
(1963 Code §135.03)