(a)   The Manager of the Environmental Services Department shall make reports in triplicate, at such times as Warren City Council by Resolution directs, which shall show the general condition of revenue earned by the Environmental Services Department. One copy of the report shall be filed with the Clerk of Council, one distributed for the information of Council, and one shall be retained in the Office of the Environmental Services Department.
   (b)   The Manager of the Environmental Services shall make an annual report to City Council depicting the condition of the Environmental Services Department. This report shall be submitted in writing to Council prior to the end of the first quarter of the following year (March 31st) and shall contain a minimum of the following information:
      (1)    A hierarchical arrangement of the entire Department; and
      (2)    A summary of Department personnel, including years of service, position, work record (attendance); and past, present and future (if known) salary structures; and
      (3)    A summary of equipment including make, type, year and condition of same; and
      (4)    A summary of equipment of accounts including number of regular, surcharge, and "special" (church, etc.) accounts; and
      (5)    A summary of the total revenue earned by the Department operations, including prior years for comparison; and
      (6)    A summary of total expenses accrued by the Department including landfill costs, personnel, equipment, gas, office expenses, etc.; and
      (7)    A summary of condition indicating the Department's progress, i.e., improved services, reduced costs, more efficient operation, etc.
   (Ord. 12721-17. Passed 5-24-17.)