All trenches shall be dug so that there shall be a clear space of not less than six inches between the sewer to be laid and the side of the trench or the timbers that may be used to keep the sides in place. The contractor will be required to maintain a clear width of roadway of at least ten feet.
Where possible, the sanitary sewer service pipes in residential districts shall have a minimum depth at the curb line of seven feet below the established grade of the curb, and in the business district at such depth as may be ordered by the Director of Engineering, Planning and Building. Where the depth of the main sewer will not permit a minimum depth of seven feet below the established grade of the curb, then the service pipes shall be laid from the main to the curb line with an inclination of one-eighth of an inch to each lineal foot of service. When laying the water service pipe in the same trench as the sanitary sewer service pipe, the trench shall be excavated of sufficient width at the top to allow for a benching not less than eight inches in width on which the water service shall be laid. The remaining depth of the trench for the sanitary sewer service shall be a width to provide the necessary clearance as hereinbefore specified.
Each new sanitary service lateral shall have an exterior clean out within five feet of the foundation. The clean out shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering, Planning and Building, or his designated appointee. The clean out shall be constructed of the same materials as the sanitary sewer service lateral and shall have a removable watertight plug to prevent the infiltration of clean water. The clean out shall be of such design to allow sewer cleaning equipment access to the sanitary sewer service lateral, outside of the structure serviced by same.
Each connection at its junction with the main sewer shall be well and solidily supported so that the weight of the backfilling will not settle the pipe, causing the sockets to break and destroy the tightness of the joints. Each length of pipe shall be laid on a firm bed. The bottom of the trench under each bell shall be excavated so as to give the body of the pipe a solid bearing on the trench bottom of its entire length and permit the making of the joint. However, all pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
(Ord. 10999/97. Passed 2-12-97.)