Warren Water Pollution Control Center treatment facilities may refuse the services of its facilities to haulers of septic tank waste or wastes from privately owned and operated package sewage treatment plants delivered by private hauler’s to Warren’s treatment facilities for specific loads if the hauler has failed to tender payment for disposal charges within sixty days of the date of billing the department or if the waste material to be delivered to the treatment facility is determined to:
(a)   Be deleterious to the treatment facility or appurtenances thereto;
(b)   Cause unusual expense in the handling and treatment;
(c)   Inhibit the performance of the treatment process;
(d)   Cause the plant to fail to meet effluent limits set by State and Federal regulatory agencies; or
(e)   Contain industrial or scavenger waste.
      (Ord. 9764/87. Passed 3-11-87.)