(a)   No user of pesticides shall use, spray or apply any pesticides in the City unless, at least twenty-four hours prior to the time of application, a reasonable attempt has been made to provide the following information, in writing or orally, through in-person or telephone communication, to the persons residing on each property abutting the property on which the pesticide is to be applied:
(1)   The date and approximate time of pesticide application; and
(2)   The name and telephone number of the employer of the user of pesticide; and
(3)   The brand or common name of each pesticide to be applied.
   (b)   In the event that a user of pesticides is unable to provide a notice required in subsection (a) hereof due to the absence or inaccessibility of the persons to be notified, the user shall leave a written notice at the property to be notified at a reasonable time prior to the time of application. Such notice shall provide the information specified in subsections (a)(1), (2) and (3) hereof.
   (c)   No user of pesticides shall fail to remove from any public sidewalk or the driveway of an abutting property any pesticide which may have been placed thereon during the application of the pesticide.
(Ord. 10587/93. Passed 11-23-93.)