(a)   The Director of Law, or his designated assistant, is authorized to enter into compromise settlement of claims against the City, resolution of which do not exceed the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500). Claims that cannot be so settled shall be referred to the Claims Review Board.
   The City Auditor and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to pay such claims, upon receipt of vouchers approved by the Law Director or his designated representative.
   (b)   A Claims Review Board is hereby established, for the purpose of examining claims against the City and recommending means of settlement. The Claims Review Board is comprised of the Law Director or his designated assistant; the Finance Director or his representative and the Safety-Service Director or his representative. The Board is hereby authorized to enter into compromise settlement of claims against the City, resolution of which do not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000). Claims that cannot be so settled shall be referred to the Finance Committee of Council and thereby be brought to the attention of Council.
   The City Auditor and the City Treasurer are authorized and directed to pay such claims, upon receipt of vouchers approved by the Board.
   (c)   The Law Director or his designated assistant shall report to the Board and to the Finance Committee of Council on a monthly basis as to the status of claims against the City.
   (d)   All such settlements shall be paid out of the claims account of the appropriate fund.
(Ord. 9910/88. Passed 4-27-88.)