Planning commission review and recommendation is required. The public hearing requirements for uses subject to review are set forth in chapter 19.54 of this title. All area requirements of this district must be met:
Church, synagogue, mosque, or temple. Includes the main building and all other structures comprising the complex, including, but not limited to, parish hall, education building, parking, accessory structures, recreation area and open space, and minister's residence when a part of the complex, subject to the following condition:
A.   A minimum lot area of three (3) acres.
Home occupation, type B conditions. Applications are subject to the following review standards and considerations in addition to the general definition of home occupation, including one or more of the following activities or modifications to the property:
A.   Client visitors allowed, subject to restrictions established in the review process.
B.   Activity in other than the main house, e.g., garage, yard or accessory building or structure.
C.   Any use of electrical or mechanical equipment in the home occupation activity.
D.   Any structural alteration, including a separate entrance.
E.   Any expansion of the existing driveway.
F.   "Daycare home" as defined by the zoning ordinance.
G.   Hours of activity.
H.   Number of clients present at the same time.
I.   Vehicle parking requirements, including a company car, trailer or truck.
J.   Potential for noise and neighborhood disruption with numbers of client vehicles.
K.   Effect on area by any proposed structural or property alteration.
L.   The applicant shall meet the license requirements set forth in title 5 of this code.
Public or private school. Includes classrooms, administration, maintenance, storage and school vehicle parking facilities, but excludes dormitory facilities. (Ord. 1007 §2, 2005: Ord. 968 §1, 2002: Ord. 832 §1, 1997)