A.   Any existing industrial, commercial, institutional or multi-family or group residential facilities that discharge stormwater into community waters and that do not have current NPDES permits issued by the DEQ authorizing a discharge of stormwater into the waters of the state will be required to develop a pollution prevention plan and apply for an industrial stormwater discharge permit. The industrial stormwater discharge permit shall be required in addition to any permits required by EPA or the state. Facilities that have the following standard industrial classification codes must apply and receive an industrial stormwater discharge permit:
SIC Code
SIC Code
Metal mining
Coal mining
Oil and gas extraction
Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels
Food and kindred products
Tobacco products
Textile mill products
Apparel and other textile products
Lumber and wood products
Furniture and fixtures
Paper and allied products
Printing and publishing
Chemicals and allied products
Petroleum and coal products
Rubber and miscellaneous plastic products
Leather and leather products (except 311)
Stone, clay, and glass products
Primary metal industries
Fabricated metal products
Industrial machinery and equipment
Electronic and other electric equipment
Transportation equipment
Instruments and related products
Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
Railroad transportation
Local and interurban passenger transit
Trucking and warehousing
United States postal service
Water transportation
Transportation by air
Motor vehicle parts, used
Scrap and waste materials
Petroleum bulk stations and terminals
B.   An application, including a pollution prevention plan, shall be submitted to the manager. Upon approval, an industrial stormwater discharge permit shall be issued within six (6) months of the submittal of the pollution prevention plan. Any approved pollution prevention plan shall be incorporated into the industrial stormwater discharge permit. The industrial stormwater discharge permit may require the facility to implement structural and nonstructural best management practices to reduce pollution discharge. If the application is not approved, the manager shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies. The applicant shall have ninety (90) days to revise and resubmit the application. If the deficiencies noted by the manager are not corrected and the application resubmitted for approval within the ninety (90) days or, if after being resubmitted, is disapproved, any discharge of stormwater after that date into waters of the community shall be unlawful. Once issued, an industrial stormwater discharge permit shall be valid for five (5) years, unless sooner revoked for violations of permit conditions, changes in applicable law, changes in discharge or other good cause.
C.   The application for an industrial stormwater discharge permit for an existing facility shall include the following:
   1.   Site map of facility showing buildings, parking, drives, materials loading and access areas, type of each impervious surface, ditches, pipes, catch basins, drainage basin limits, area of facility, acreage of off site water draining into facility, discharge points to waters of the state or community waters with name of the water or drainage basin. This map will be a minimum scale of one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100');
   2.   Description of facility including the nature of work performed and type of facility;
   3.   Narrative description of significant materials (as defined at 40 CFR 122.26) that are currently or in the past have been treated, stored or disposed of at the facility; method of on site storage or disposal; materials management practices used to minimize contact of these materials with stormwater runoff currently and for the past three (3) years; materials loading and access area; the location and description of existing structural and nonstructural control measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff; and a description of any treatment the stormwater receives;
   4.   Cleanup schedule for debris, material storage areas, garbage storage or disposal areas, or other areas that have the potential to pollute stormwater;
   5.   Description of plan of instruction to employees at all levels in ways to prevent pollution and spill response. The plan shall identify periodic dates for such training;
   6.   Name of contact person for permit compliance, including job title, address and phone number;
   7.   Maintenance schedule of sweeping or vacuuming of facility to prevent washout of a buildup of emissions laden with hydrocarbons, oxides, salts, metals, worn pavement particulates, hydrocarbons for leaks and spills, trash, debris, garbage, metals, tire particles, brake lining particles and various chemicals from the wear, deterioration and deposition of vehicles;
   8.   Description of other ways the facility plans to implement programs to reduce the discharge of pollutants through stormwater flow. For each area of the facility that generates stormwater discharges associated with an activity with a reasonable potential for containing significant amounts of pollutants, a prediction of the direction of flow and an estimate of the types of pollutants which are likely to be present in stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity;
   9.   Plans showing the construction of an appropriately sized grit sediment basin and oil skimmer structure for discharge outfalls into community waters in accordance with detailed drawings of these structures which are shown in the stormwater management section of the "Best Management Practices Manual";
   10.   A record of available sampling data describing pollutants in stormwater discharges;
   11.   A preventative maintenance program that includes regular inspection and maintenance of stormwater management devices (e.g., cleaning grit chambers, catch basins) as well as inspecting and testing plant equipment and systems to uncover conditions that could cause breakdowns or failures resulting in discharges of pollutants to surface waters; and
   12.   Designation of a person to keep a record of incidents such as significant spills or other discharges that materially affect stormwater, along with other information describing the quality and quantity of stormwater discharges. Inspections and maintenance activities shall be documented and recorded. (Ord. 1076 §1, 2009)