A.   The owner of a motor vehicle registered in this state and operating said vehicle within the city's boundaries, shall carry in such vehicle at all times a current owner's security verification form listing the vehicle, or an equivalent form which has been issued by the department of public safety which shall be produced by any driver thereof upon request for inspection by any law enforcement officer and, in case of a collision, the form shall be shown upon request to any person affected by said collision.
B.   The following shall not be required to carry an owner's or operator's security verification form or an equivalent form from the department during operation of the vehicle and shall not be required to surrender such form for vehicle registration purposes:
   1.   Any vehicle owned or leased by the federal or state government, or any agency or political subdivision thereof,
   2.   Any vehicle bearing the name, symbol or logo of the business, corporation or utility on the exterior and which is in compliance with the compulsory insurance law according to records of the department of public safety which reflect a deposit, bond, self-insurance, or fleet policy,
   3.   Any vehicle authorized for operation, under a permit number issued by the interstate commerce commission, or the Oklahoma corporation commission,
   4.   Any licensed taxicab, and
   5.   Any vehicle owned by a licensed used motor vehicle dealer. (Ord. 573 §1, 1983)