8.16.020: DEFINITIONS:
As used in this chapter:
AIR CONTAMINANT: Any smoke, soot, fly ash, dust, cinder, dirt, noxious or obnoxious acids, fumes, oxides, gases, vapors, odors, toxic or radioactive substances, waste particulates, or solid, liquid or gaseous matter in the atmosphere which, in sufficient quantities, is capable of injuring human, plant or animal life or depriving the enjoyment thereof.
AIR POLLUTION: The emission of any air contaminants in such place or manner which, when by itself or combined with other air contaminants present in the atmosphere, is detrimental to or endangers the health, comfort or safety of any person or which may cause injury or damage to property or premises.
ATMOSPHERE: Surrounds the earth.
BOARD: The air quality control variance means the air that envelopes or board.
CHIMNEY OR STACK: Chimney, stack, conduit, duct, vent, flue, or opening of any kind whatsoever arranged to conduct any products to the atmosphere.
COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS AND FUELS: Any substance which will readily burn and includes those substances which, although generally considered noncombustible, are or may be included in the mass of the combustible material burned or to be burned.
DENSE SMOKE: Smoke of shade or the equivalent opacity of the shade designated as no. 1 on the Ringelmann chart or greater.
DIRECTOR: The director of the city-county health department or his designated employees or representatives.
EMISSION: The emission of air contaminants into the atmosphere.
EVAPORATING LOSS CONTROL SYSTEM: A system or device designed and installed in such a manner as to reduce or prevent the emission to the atmosphere of the vapors of the hydrocarbon fuel contained in the fuel tank, carburetor or fuel pump of the motor vehicle.
EXHAUST EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM: A system, device or engine modification designed and installed in such a manner as to reduce or prevent the emission to the atmosphere of air pollutant gases, vapors and particulate matter released from the motor vehicle engine through the exhaust manifold and tailpipe.
FUEL BURNING EQUIPMENT: Any equipment, machinery, device, structure or contrivance, and all appurtenances thereto, including ducts, breeching, fuel feeding equipment, ash removal equipment, internal combustion engines, combustion controls, stacks and chimneys, which burn fuel or combustible material for the purpose of producing meat or energy, but does not process equipment or operations or incinerators.
INCINERATOR: Any device, structure or contrivance used to dispose of refuse or other waste by burning or the processing of salvageable material by burning but excluding flares.
MOTOR VEHICLE: A self-propelled, wheeled vehicle designed for normal use of public streets and highways.
MOTOR VEHICLE POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICE: Any or all of the devices or systems referred to in this section and designed to control or prevent air pollution emissions from motor vehicles.
MULTIPLE CHAMBER INCINERATOR: Any incinerator consisting of two (2) or more combustion chambers of in-line or retort type physically separated by curtained walls with gas passage ports or ducts and designed for maximum combustion of the material to be burned.
OPEN BURNING: The burning of combustible materials or refuse in such a manner that the products of combustion are emitted directly into the atmosphere.
OPEN PIT INCINERATOR: A device consisting of a pit (into which the material to be burned is placed), nozzles, pipes and other appurtenances designed and arranged in a manner to deliver additional air and/or auxiliary fuel to, or near, the zone of combustion so that theoretically complete combustion is accomplished or approached.
PARTICULATE MATTER: Discrete particles of liquid (except uncombined water) or solid matter or both which may or may not be suspended in air.
POSITIVE CRANKCASE VENTILATOR: A system or device designed and installed in such a manner as to prevent or reduce the release or emission into the atmosphere of gases or vapors produced or otherwise present in the crankcase of the engine of a motor vehicle.
PROCESS EQUIPMENT OR OPERATION: Any equipment, machinery, device or premises used for the treating, processing or manufacturing of materials, products or substances, which operation may emit smoke, particulate matter or other air contaminants.
PROCESS WEIGHT: The total weight of all materials introduced into any specific process equipment or operation. Solid fuels shall be considered as part of the process weight but liquids and gases used solely as fuel shall not.
PROCESS WEIGHT PER HOUR: The weight derived by dividing the total process weight by the number of hours in one complete operation from the beginning of any given process to the completion thereof, excluding any time during which the equipment is idle.
PRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION: All particulate matter and other air contaminants emitted as a result of burning of refuse and combustible materials.
PROPRIETY INFORMATION: Any information obtained pursuant to this chapter which relates to sales figures or to production processes unique to the owner or operator or which affect the competitive position of such owner or operator.
REFUSE: Garbage, rubbish, trade waste, leaves, salvageable material, agricultural waste and other wastes.
RINGELMANN CHART: The chart for grading the appearance, density, shade or opacity of smoke, as published with instructions for use by the United States bureau of mines, in information circular 7718, dated August 1955.
SMOKE: Small gasborne or airborne particles resulting from combustion operations and consisting of carbon ash and other matter that is present in sufficient quantity to be observable.
SOURCE: Any physical arrangement or structure which may emit air contaminants. It includes, but is not limited to, stacks, chimneys, building openings, open fires, vehicles, processes, equipment, structures and premises.
SOURCE GAS VOLUME: The total amount of gas, including air contaminants, emitted from any process, equipment or operation into the atmosphere. (Ord. 316 §2, 1970)