A.   Grounds For Revocation: In addition to any penalties which may be imposed for the violation of certain provisions of this chapter, the city by and through the chief of police or fire chief may, pursuant to the provisions of this section, revoke an alarm system owner or user permit on any of the following grounds:
   1.   Fraud or wilful and knowing misrepresentation or false statement made in an application for a permit.
   2.   Failure to correct any deficiencies in equipment or operation within fourteen (14) days after receipt of notice from the chief of police or fire chief.
   3.   Failure to comply with any order or notice issued by the chief of police or fire chief after the permittee's rights to hearing and appeal have been exhausted, or failure to comply with the standards imposed by this chapter within fourteen (14) days after notice or order from the chief of police or fire chief.
   4.   Failure to comply with the regulations and requirements of this chapter or as otherwise established in this code.
   5.   Failure to take corrective action to remedy excessive false alarms.
   6.   Twelve (12) false alarms in three hundred sixty five (365) days.
B.   Appeal: Any appeal from a denial of a permit, revocation of a permit and/or the assessment of administrative fees for excessive false alarms shall be as provided as follows:
   1.   If the designated authority denies the issuance or renewal of a permit, revokes a permit or assesses an administrative fee for excessive false alarms, they shall send written notice of the action and a statement of the right to an appeal, by mail, to the applicant or permit holder.
      a.   The applicant or permit holder may appeal the decision of the designated authority to the alarm coordinator, by filing a written request for a review, setting forth the reasons for the appeal within fifteen (15) days, after the day notice is mailed from the designated authority. Refusal to accept service of notice by mail shall be deemed a waiver of any notice and/or the appeal.
      b.   Filing of a request for appeal shall stay the action by the designated authority of revoking a permit or collecting an administrative fee until the alarm coordinator has completed a review. If a request for appeal is not made within the fifteen (15) day period, the action of the designated authority is final.
   2.   Permit holders or persons assessed an administrative fee for excessive false alarms shall be entitled to a hearing, if requested within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of sustained denial, revocation of permit or assessment of a fee by the alarm coordinator. The hearing shall be conducted by the city council at their next scheduled meeting.
   3.   The alarm review board shall conduct a hearing and consider the evidence by any interested person(s). The board shall make their decision on the basis of a preponderance of the evidence presented at the hearing. The board must render a decision to affirm, reverse, or modify the action of the designated authority within ten (10) days after the hearing is conducted. The decision of the board shall be in writing and mailed to the appellee. (Ord. 1069 §1, 2009)