A.   No person, firm, association or corporation shall engage in the business of collecting, transporting or disposing of "garbage", "rubbish" or "rubble", as defined in title 8, chapter 8.08 of this Code, for pay by use of any vehicular device or devices or other equipment within the City limits without first having obtained a license from the City Clerk to do so. Application for such license shall be in writing, shall show the name and address of such business, the name and address of each member of the business if it is a partnership or, if a corporation, the corporate name of the applicant and the business address of the corporation.
B.   Upon the submission of the license application, an annual license fee in the amount of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) must be paid to the City Treasurer in full. The license shall be for a term from May 1 until April 30 next after the same is issued. No license shall in any case be prorated. Upon expiration of the license, the private hauler contractor must apply for a renewal and pay the annual license fee. No license shall be issued until the license fee is paid in full and without a bond accompanying the license application as provided for herein.
C.   No license shall be issued or granted to any person, firm, association or corporation to engage in the business of collecting, transporting or disposing of garbage, rubbish or rubble within the City limits unless such person, firm, association or corporation has previously entered into an approved bond or undertaking covering all contracts for trash and refuse hauler service, which such person, firm, association or corporation has entered into to perform within the City during the period for which the bond or undertaking is executed in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) payable to the City. Such bond shall be conditioned that the person, firm, association or corporation shall comply with all ordinances of the City relating to and regulating garbage and refuse collection and disposal; that all streets, sidewalks, curbing and guttering within the City which are in any way damaged by the principal obligor while collecting, transporting or disposing of garbage or refuse pursuant to a license granted under this section shall be restored or repaired by the principal obligor with materials of like kind and quality; that the principal obligor will restore or cause to be repaired, with materials of like kind and quality, any damage to privately owned property, houses, buildings or stationary objects lawfully on or adjacent to any street or highway within the city, and restore or pay reasonable damages for injuries to shrubs, trees, grass, flowers, lawns and the like on privately owned property or on parks or parkways owned or controlled by the city which are caused by the principal obligor while collecting, transporting or disposing of garbage or refuse pursuant to said license; and that the principal obligor will protect and save harmless the city against any liabilities imposed by law against the city on account of negligence on the part of the principal obligor as a direct result of collecting, transporting or disposing of garbage or refuse pursuant to the license granted under this section.
D.   The granting of a private trash and refuse hauler license by the city shall entitle the licensed private hauler to contract and provide service to only those parties who have procured a permit, per section 8.08.070 of this code, which is current and valid. Any duly licensed private hauler who is found to have performed service to a party who has not been granted a permit from the city or whose permit has lapsed or is no longer valid shall be guilty of an offense and subject to having its license revoked pursuant to the revocation procedures as stated in section 5.04.040 of this chapter.
E.   Any person, individual, corporation, association or joint venture who is found in violation of this section shall be guilty of an offense and be subject to a fine not to exceed seventy dollars ($70.00) for each offense and each day's continued violation of this section shall constitute a separate offense and be punishable as such. (Ord. 605 §1, 1985)