A. All plumbing, heat and air, electrical and roofing contractors conducting any work within the City, shall be required to obtain a work permit for the work to be performed and may not commence such work until the work permit has been issued by the City. Any person commencing any plumbing, heat and air, electrical or roofing work requiring a permit prior to obtaining such permit, shall be subject to one hundred percent (100%) of the required fee in addition to the regular required fees.
B. Plumbing contractor work permit fees shall be required as prescribed in the fee schedule set out in section 5.04.440 of this article. Heat and air contractor work permit fees shall be required as prescribed in the fee schedule set out in section 5.04.450 of this article. Electrical contractor work permit fees shall be required as prescribed in the fee schedule set out in section 5.04.460 of this chapter. Roofing contractor work permit fees shall be required as prescribed in the fee schedule set out in section 5.04.470 of this chapter.
C. All work or installations performed by plumbing, heat and air, electrical and roofing contractors within the city must be carried out in a workmanlike manner and all materials utilized and installed must be of standard quality and kind. All work completed must be inspected and approved by the city building inspector or such other person appointed and designated by the mayor who is qualified to make such inspections. No inspections or approval of work completed shall be conducted by the city unless the contractor has been issued a work permit by the city as prescribed in this chapter.
D. All roofs shall be covered with approved roof coverings properly secured to the building or structure to resist wind and rain. Roof coverings shall be designed, installed and maintained in accordance with approved manufacturer's installation instructions to ensure the reliability and proper performance of the product such that the roof covering shall serve to protect the building or structure.
All residential and commercial roofing systems shall be installed in accordance with the most current city of Warr Acres building codes, title 16, chapter 16.04 of this code. (Ord. 1133, 2013)