Every person, firm, corporation or association having a license, identification tag, badge or plate as provided in this chapter shall at all times keep the same in some conspicuous place in the business establishment, or vehicle, or on his or her clothing or other personal property, and shall exhibit the same when requested to do so by any police officer or other proper person representing the city, or when applying for renewal of the same. A separate license must be obtained for each separate branch, establishment, or place of business in which a trade, calling, profession or occupation is carried on or pursued or conducted, and each license shall authorize the person obtaining it to carry on, pursue or conduct only that trade, calling, profession or occupation described in such license, and only at the location or place of business which is indicated thereby, and in conformity to the ordinances of the city and the laws of the state; and no license shall be transferable from one person to another; providing, however, that in the event of a change of location of a duly authorized business or occupation, the city clerk shall, without additional compensation, endorse the change of location of the business. (Prior code §5-3)