8.19.002: FINDINGS:
   A.   The United States is experiencing an outbreak of Novel Coronavirus-2019 also known as COVID-19; and
   B.   On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic; and
   C.   On March 13, 2020, the President of the United States declared a National Emergency because of the COVID-19 pandemic and which declaration is still in effect today; and
   D.   On March 15, 2020, the Governor of the State of Oklahoma declared a State of Emergency because of the COVID-19 pandemic and which declaration is still in effect today; and
   E.   The Center for Disease Control ("CDC") has emphasized the COVID-19 risk to individuals is dependent on exposure, and transmission is through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes; and
   F.   As of July 19, 2020, There have been four hundred fifty one (451) reported COVID-19 related deaths statewide with seventy seven (77) deaths in the Oklahoma County area; and
   G.   The City Council of The City of Warr Acres (City) finds that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has identified a virus, COVID-19, which is causing a pandemic throughout the world and the United States remains present, extremely contagious, and potentially deadly within the City and the metropolitan area; and
   H.   After reaching a low point for positive tests and hospitalizations, in June Oklahoma City experienced a significant increase in the number of COVID-19 positive tests and hospitalizations; and
   I.   After a period where the rise in new cases subsided, the increase in new cases and positive testing percentages has resumed this past week and remains at an elevated level relative to previous phases of the pandemic; and
   J.   Since mid-June, hospitalizations have consistently remained at an elevated level that causes concern to public health officials; and
   K.   Based upon information provided by local healthcare providers and public health experts during consideration of a similar ordinance by the City of Oklahoma City, the current surge occurred, in part, due to public gatherings associated with the Fourth of July holiday where social distancing and mask wearing protocols were not observed; and
   L.   One strong recommendation by the CDC is the adoption of the safety measure for the mandatory wearing of face coverings over the nose and mouth to help prevent air-born virus particles from causing new infections and, depending on the design of the mask, can also help prevent the persons wearing the face covering to not become infected with COVID-19; and
   M.   With the transmission of COVID-19 and COVID-related hospitalizations continuing at an elevated level, provisions for the safety of the life, health, and property of Warr Acres residents are still necessary; and
   N.   The City Council declares that the continuing occurrence and threat of widespread or severe damage, injury or loss of life or property from COVID-19, including severe economic damage to the City and the State of Oklahoma, which can result from COVID-19 justifies emergency action by the City to help avert such danger or damage and to protect the public health; and
   O.   The City Council further declares an emergency need for an ordinance containing the COVID-19 safety measure for the mandatory wearing of face coverings over the nose and mouth whenever persons are in any place or setting open to the general public; and
   P.   The City Council notes that on Friday, July 10, 2020, Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Robert Kaplan publicly stated that:
      1.   The "key to ensuring a faster U.S. economic recovery is wearing masks to slow the spread of the coronavirus;" and
      2.   "How the [COVID-19] virus proceeds, and what the incidence is, is going to be directly related to how fast we grow [economically]"; and
      3.   "While monetary and fiscal policy have a key role to play, the primary economic policy from here is broad mask wearing and good execution of. . .health care protocols; if we do that well, we'll grow faster"; and
      4.   "The message I'd have today about the economy (is that) while monetary policy and fiscal policy are very important, they are not as important right now in us doing a good job of flattening this curve on the virus, and if we do that, we'll grow faster."; and
   Q.   The City Council further notes that the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in several U.S. states is raising concern that the economic recovery that likely began in May could falter if authorities re-impose lockdowns or consumers reduce spending out of fear that getting out and about could mean they get the sometimes fatal disease; and
   R.   The City Council further notes that Goldman Sachs Group Inc. economists have argued that a national mask mandate would boost the chances of a faster recovery; and that Mr. Kaplan, a former Goldman Sachs bank officer, reiterated that the U.S. economy will likely shrink by four and one-half percent (4.5%) to five percent (5%) in 2020, even after what he expects to be growth during the 3rd and 4th quarters; and
   S.   The City Council finds that it is appropriate and in the interests of the public health, safety, and welfare and would further protect property and civil order, for the City Council to adopt this COVID-19 Safety Code with a regulation mandating the wearing of masks over the nose and mouth whenever persons are entering and while inside any indoor place open to the public; and
   T.   The City Council states that this COVID-19 Safety Code measure is being enacted to help limit the health impacts and slow the spread of COVID-19 by mandating the wearing of face coverings over the nose and mouth whenever persons are entering and while inside any indoor place open to the public; and
   U.   The City Council finds that adoption of the temporary restrictions contained in this Chapter from now until the period until immediately after Labor Day on September 7, 2020 will allow local healthcare providers and public health experts to gather empirical evidence regarding the effects of this mask policy and may help to prevent the potential for an additional surge associated with the Labor Day holiday weekend; and
   V.   The City Council finds that the City of Oklahoma City, which shares the majority of the City's jurisdictional border, adopted a substantially similar ordinance on July 17, 2020; and
   W.   The City Council finds that it is in the interests of both those who reside and/or visit the City to have as consistent and uniform set of temporary restrictions so as to avoid any confusion as to the expectations that are in place for those visiting indoor places open to the public within the Oklahoma County metropolitan area; and
   X.   Accordingly, The City Council also finds that it is appropriate and in the interests of public health, safety, and welfare and would further protect property and civil order, for the City Council to adopt this ordinance while limiting the duration of this ordinance to and until the day after Labor Day. Provided, for the ages this requirement applies to, the City Council has determined that ages eleven (11) and up is appropriate, but the public should keep in mind that the CDC recommends that persons three (3) and up should wear masks. (Ord. 1202, 7-21- 2020)