Where a utility account is in arrears, subject to termination proceedings, or has been terminated and subsequent payments are received (not payments made as a stay deposit under section 3.07.040 of this chapter) in an amount less than the total due (current month plus any amount in arrears), the monies shall be credited to the account in the following priority:
A. Any current (not past-due) balance shall be satisfied first with priority going to garbage and refuse charges, then to fees, and finally to sewer service charges.
B. Once all current balances are satisfied, payments shall begin to satisfy past due balances in the following priority: late charges, then back due garbage and refuse charges, then fees, then sewer service charges, and finally all costs actually incurred by the City of Warr Acres associated with the termination of water and sewer service.
C. Where partial payment is made but no agreement staying termination proceedings has been entered into with the City Clerk (or his/her designee), the termination proceedings will continue unless and until the amount owed is either satisfied through payment or a stay is issued. (Ord. 1171, 2016)