A.   Finish: The exterior equipment buildings and/or metal equipment cabinets visible from residential areas or public rights of way must have a neutral aggregate finish or be painted to reflect the color and character of adjoining structures or blend with adjacent landscaping and other surroundings.
B.   Blending With Natural And Built Environment: At the telecommunications facility, the design of the buildings and related structures used in conjunction with telecommunications facilities shall, to the extent possible, use materials, colors, textures, screening and landscaping that will blend the telecommunications facilities to the natural setting and the built environment.
C.   Guywires: Guywires must be anchored no closer than twenty five feet (25') from any property line. Guywires shall not cross or encroach any overhead telephone or electric power lines.
D.   Height: The height of a single antenna tower shall not exceed one hundred fifty feet (150'). The height of a tower with two (2) or more antennas shall not exceed one hundred ninety five feet (195'). Maximum height shall be measured from ground at base to highest point on tower and antenna. A conditional use permit will be required for any structure that exceeds one hundred ninety five feet (195').
E.   Interference Prohibited: Applicants will be required to demonstrate that the planned telecommunications facility will not cause radio frequency interference with other equipment. Such interference is prohibited.
F.   Landscaping Buffer: All telecommunications facilities must have a five foot (5') buffer of landscaping outside the perimeter of the fenced facilities.
G.   Screening: The base of the towers and any accessory support facilities such as anchored locations of guywires shall be screened from view with a solid fence, which shall be a minimum of six feet (6') in height.
H.   Illumination: Illumination of a tower is prohibited except as required by the FAA. Strobes shall not be used for nighttime lighting. Any required lighting shall be directed upward and away from adjoining properties. In addition, the ground level security shall not be more than twenty feet (20') in height and shall be focused to avoid conflict with vehicle operators in a public right of way.
I.   Ingress/Egress: The applicant will be required to provide ingress/egress only from approved access points and a minimum of one off street parking space per provider.
J.   Fall Zone/Setback Requirements: All wireless telecommunications towers and their equipment shelters shall comply with the building setback provisions of the zoning district in which it is located. In addition, the following requirements shall be observed:
   1.   In order to ensure public safety, the minimum distance from the base of any ground mounted wireless telecommunications service facility to any property line, road, habitable dwelling, business or institutional use, or public recreation area shall be one hundred twenty five percent (125%) of the height of the tower and any antenna mounted on it. This setback is considered a "fall zone".
   2.   In the event that an existing structure is proposed for mounting an antenna, a fall zone shall not be required but the setbacks of the zoning district shall apply. In the case of preexisting, nonconforming structures, wireless telecommunications service facilities and their equipment shelters shall not increase any nonconformities, except as provided in subsection J3 of this section.
   3.   In reviewing an application for a permit for a wireless telecommunications facility, the director of developmental services may reduce the required setback or fall zone by as much as fifty percent (50%) of the required distance, if he finds that a substantially better design will result from such a reduction. In making such a finding, the director of developmental services shall consider both the visual and safety impacts of the proposed use.
K.   Signs: Signs on telecommunications towers shall only display the name, registration and emergency contact number of the tower owner with the exception of signs required by FCC regulations or signs containing warning or safety instructions. Signs are limited to four (4) square feet in size and advertising is expressly prohibited.
L.   Distance From Other Towers: No tower shall be closer than five hundred feet (500') from another tower. Any new telecommunications tower in excess of one hundred eighty feet (180') in height must be located a minimum of one mile from any existing tower in excess of one hundred eighty feet (180') in height.
M.   Support Facilities: Support facilities can be no more than three hundred fifty (350) square feet of gross floor area nor more than twelve feet (12') in height per user. Minimum setback requirements of the zoning district apply to the accessory support facilities. (Ord. 915 §5, 2000)