19.55.020: DEFINITIONS:
ACCESSORY SUPPORT FACILITIES: Support buildings, structures and equipment cabinets for telecommunications facilities containing electrical and mechanical equipment and devices used for the reception of voice, data, image, graphic and video programming information between or among points by wire, cable, fiber optics, laser, microwave, radio, satellite or similar facilities.
ALTERNATIVE TOWER STRUCTURE: Clock towers, bell steeples, building structures or building equipment normally maintained above the roofline of a structure, light poles and similar alternative design mounting structures. An alternative tower structure must be compatible with the natural setting and surrounding structures, must camouflage or conceal the presence of antennas and/or towers to be a minimum of thirty feet (30') in height. This term also includes any antenna or antenna array attached to the alternative tower structure.
ANTENNA: Any exterior transmitting or receiving devices mounted on a tower building or structure and used in communications that radiate or capture electromagnetic waves, digital signals, analog signals, radio frequencies (excluding radar signals), wireless telecommunications signals or other communication signals.
BACKHAUL NETWORK: The lines that connect a provider's tower/cell sites to one or more cellular telephone switching offices, and/or long distance providers, or the public switched telephone network.
COLLOCATION: The use of a single mount or tower on the ground by more than one carrier or several antennas on an existing building or structure by more than one carrier.
FAA: Federal aviation administration.
FCC: Federal communications commission.
FALL ZONE: The area of ground within a prescribed radius from the base of a telecommunications tower and antenna. The fall zone is the area within which there is a potential hazard of falling debris or collapsing material.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES: The plan, equipment and property, including, but not limited to, cables, wires, conduits, ducts, pedestals, antenna towers, alternative tower structures, electronics and other appurtenances used to transmit, receive, distribute, provide or offer telecommunications services.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE: The providing or offering for rent, sale or lease, or in exchange for other value received, of the transmittal of voice data, image, graphic and video programming information between or among points by wire, cable, fiber optics, laser, microwave, radio, satellite or similar facilities, with or without benefits or any closed transmission medium.
TOWER: Any structure designed and constructed primarily for the purpose of supporting one or more antennas, including self-supporting lattice towers, guy towers, or monopole towers. This term includes radio and television transmission towers, microwave towers, common carrier towers, cellular telephone towers, and other similar structures. This term also includes any antenna or antenna array attached to the tower structure.
TOWER HEIGHT: When referring to a tower or other alternative tower structure, the distance measured from the lowest point within ten feet (10') of the structure to the highest point on the tower or other alternative tower structure, including the base pad and any antenna. (Ord. 915 §2, 2000)