All special use permits shall be reviewed by the planning commission.
A.   Requirements: An application for a special use permit shall be filed with the planning commission according to the rules and procedures established for applications for rezoning. The application shall be filed by the owner of such property and shall be accompanied by the required application fee;
B.   Site Development Plan: A complete plan shall be filed with each application;
C.   Public Hearing: The planning commission shall hold one or more public hearings on the application and shall, no later than its next regular meeting after the first meeting of the planning commission at which the application is considered, transmit to the city council its report as to the effect of such proposed building, structure, or use upon the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, public utilities and other matters pertaining to the general welfare, and a recommendation concerning the application. The time frame for planning commission action established herein may be waived by the applicant. The city council shall hold one or more public hearings, upon public notice as established for applications for rezoning, at which time they may authorize or deny the approval of a special use permit for the use of land, buildings or structures as requested;
D.   Considerations: The action of the city council on any application may include the requirement of landscaping, fences, walls and other features deemed necessary to further the purposes of this chapter, and such features shall be provided and maintained during the continuance of any use for which they have been required. The following factors should be considered in determining suitability of a special use permit application:
   1.   The location and size of main and accessory building on the site and their relation to adjacent uses,
   2.   The number and arrangement of parking spaces, traffic circulation area, the adequacy and manner of the lighting thereof, and its effect on the surrounding properties,
   3.   The relationship between the off street parking areas and points of ingress and egress, and the traffic circulation both within and adjacent to the site,
   4.   The provision and location of proper facilities for the accumulation and disposal of refuse and trash,
   5.   The provision of adequate off street loading facilities,
   6.   The provisions of fences, walls and landscaping,
   7.   The relationship of the number, size and location of signs identifying the proposed use,
   8.   Such other factors as may be necessary to secure and protect the health, safety and general welfare of the city.
E.   Automatic Withdrawal Of Application: All applicants, either personally or through a duly authorized representative with authority to speak and take action on the applicant's behalf, are required to attend all public hearings provided for under subsection C of this section. In the event the applicant, or a duly authorized representative agent, does not personally attend any public hearing as set forth in subsection C of this section, then the application shall be deemed withdrawn and all fees tendered to the city shall be deemed forfeited by the applicant. In the event an applicant is unable to attend a public hearing (including being unable to send a duly authorized representative), the applicant may file a written request with the office of the city clerk that the public hearing be postponed to the next regular meeting of the public body holding the hearing. Such a request shall only be granted if received by the office of the city clerk prior to the city incurring the expenses (e.g., postage and publication fees) associated with notifying the public of the holding of a public hearing on the application. The timely filing of a request to postpone a public hearing shall have the effect of suspending all time lines for action by a public body which are established within this title and chapter for the duration of the postponement. (Ord. 1081 §1, 2010)