This section sets forth the standards for the design of sidewalks, driveways and approaches, curbs and gutters within residential and commercial zoning districts.
A.   Sidewalks: New or replacement sidewalks over right of way shall meet or exceed the following minimum standards:
   1.   Shall be a minimum of four feet (4') in width;
   2.   Shall be sloped toward the street;
   3.   Shall be four feet (4') from the back of the curb.
B.   Driveways, Residential:
   1.   New or replacement driveways in all residential zoning districts, excluding R-3 (multiple dwelling residential) district, shall, from the property line (right of way) to the building line, be twelve feet (12') wide, except circular driveways, which shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') wide, providing the minimum parking requirement of two (2) nine foot by eighteen foot (9' x 18') spaces per residential unit is met.
   2.   Residential driveways on local or collector streets shall have a minimum radius of five feet (5'). One-way egress driveways of less than ninety degrees (90°) may be required by the city where it is determined that it is in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare. All driveways and access facilities shall be designed to meet the grade, alignment, pavement and channelization standards and other specifications prescribed by the city.
C.   Driveways, Commercial:
   1.   New or replacement driveways in all commercial zoning districts, including R-3 (multiple dwelling residential) district, shall, from the property line throughout the complex, be a minimum of twenty four feet (24') in width. These driveway standards do not apply to parking space standards set forth in this chapter.
   2.   The intersection of a two-way driveway shall be designed to intersect at a ninety degree (90°) angle. The corner radius of a driveway shall be no less than fifteen feet (15') or that which is adequate for the anticipated use.
D.   Approaches, Curbs And Gutters, Residential:
   1.   New or replacement approaches, curbs and gutters in all residential zoning districts, excluding R-3 (multiple dwelling residential) district, shall meet or exceed the following minimum standards from the edge of the street to the property line (right of way):
      a.   All approaches shall have a minimum radius of five feet (5'). An inside radius of three feet (3') shall be allowed, if required, for circle drives and small lots.
      b.   The curb cut for a circle drive shall be a minimum of eighteen feet (18') wide; for a standard drive, a minimum of twenty two feet (22') wide.
      c.   All approaches shall be a minimum of twelve feet (12') wide, except for approaches on circular drives, which shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') wide.
   2.   Single- and two-family residences in all zoning districts shall be permitted curb cuts for driveway access as follows:
      a.   Maximum Number Of Curb Cuts:
         (1)   One curb cut per street frontage; or
         (2)   Two (2) curb cuts on the same street frontage for a circular drive; or
         (3)   Three (3) curb cuts on a corner lot to accommodate a circular drive and a driveway to provide access to a garage or rear yard.
         (4)   Two-family residences shall be permitted one curb cut per residence on the same street frontage, provided there is a minimum separation of three feet (3') between curb cuts for connected dwelling units.
      b.   Curb Cut Dimensions: Regardless of the width of the driveway, the minimum width of curb cuts for single- and two-family residential uses shall be ten feet (10') greater than the driveway width.
E.   Approaches, Curbs And Gutters, Commercial: New or replacement approaches, curbs and gutters in all commercial zoning districts, including R-3 (multiple dwelling residential) district, as well as any institutional use in any zoning district, shall meet or exceed the following minimum standards from the edge of the street to the property line (right of way):
   1.   All approaches shall have a minimum radius of fifteen feet (15') up to a maximum radius of twenty five feet (25'), if available.
   2.   All approaches shall maintain or improve the existing drainage and match existing curbing.
   3.   All approaches shall be no less than twenty four feet (24') or more than thirty six feet (36') in width.
   4.   The curb cut will be a minimum of fifty four feet (54') up to a maximum of eighty six feet (86'). (Ord. 993 §2, 2003: Ord. 968 §1, 2002)