As a part of the minimum parking space requirements established in the Americans with disabilities act and this chapter, special parking spaces shall be designated for sole use by the handicapped, for all uses other than one- through four-family residential, in accordance with the following standards:
A.   If less than twenty (20) regular spaces are required, then one such space shall be designated as handicapped parking.
B.   If twenty (20) or more spaces are required, then not less than two percent (2%) of all parking spaces, with a minimum of two (2), shall be designated as handicapped parking.
C.   A handicapped parking space shall be not less than thirteen feet (13') in width. That equates to a stall width of nine feet (9') and four foot (4') wide pedestrian aisle on one side of the space.
D.   Where the pedestrian aisle of the space is provided at curbside, a ramp to the sidewalk level shall be constructed at the end of the aisle. In any event, a ramp from the parking area to each entrance sidewalk shall be required.
E.   All handicapped parking spaces shall be permanently marked or striped with paint or other device. In addition, each space shall be identified by a pole mounted sign, or by a wall sign, at the option of the developer, if the space is adjacent to a building. The center of the sign shall be not lower than four feet (4') or more than six feet (6') above the parking surface.
F.   Handicapped parking spaces shall be placed as near as possible to building entrances or centrally located in parking lots between buildings.
G.   Parallel parking spaces shall not be used for handicapped parking. (Ord. 832 §1, 1997)