A.   Remote Parking: If the off street parking space required by this chapter cannot be reasonably provided on the same lot on which the principal use is located, such space may be provided on a separate lot.
B.   Joint Parking Facilities: The required parking space for any number of separate uses may be combined in a joint parking facility under the following conditions:
   1.   Multiple Ownerships Or Structures: Where there are multiple ownerships or structures, each owner shall provide evidence of a permanent legal instrument which has been filed of record with the county clerk and which guarantees permanent right to use of the parking facility.
   2.   Churches: One-half (1/2) of the required parking space for churches may be included in the total of required parking spaces for other uses that do not operate after six o'clock (6:00) P.M. or on Sundays, provided that the nearest property line of the parking area is located within two hundred feet (200') of the church property line.
   3.   Specific Uses: The required parking spaces, for the uses specifically listed below, shall be permitted to be reduced by one-half (1/2), provided they are part of a shopping or office complex of one or more buildings which have a total of forty eight thousand (48,000) square feet or more of gross floor area and which share joint access and parking facilities as described in subsection B1 of this section and provided further that the gross floor area of all of these uses listed below in the building or complex shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total gross floor area of the building or complex. Any gross floor area in excess of twenty percent (20%) shall require parking spaces to be provided, according to the regular standards contained in this chapter. The uses subject to this provision are:
      a.   Eating establishments: Sit down, alcohol permitted or not permitted;
      b.   Drinking establishments: Sit down, alcohol permitted;
      c.   Theaters or auditoriums.
   4.   Shared Parking; Cumulative Effect: Where more than one facility shows evidence of joint use agreements for common access and a cross parking arrangement resulting in reduced street access points, parking requirements will be based on the cumulative gross floor area of all structures.
C.   Striping: Off street parking areas shall be designed to provide systematic and orderly circulation, traffic separation devices, and parking spaces in accordance with sound traffic engineering practices.
   1.   All off street parking spaces and the means of ingress and egress shall be laid out on the parking surface with paint or plastic striping which provides a permanent delineation between spaces, aisles and surrounding structures and land.
   2.   No striping shall be required on lots having only single-family or residential structures.
D.   Separation From Public Right Of Way: All off street parking areas, aisles, and access driveways that adjoin public street rights of way shall be designed so that vehicles do not overhang public rights of way or adjacent property.
E.   Lighting:
   1.   All outdoor parking lots which serve commercial and institutional uses shall be illuminated during the evening hours of operation. Evening hours shall be deemed to begin one-half (1/2) hour after sunset.
   2.   All lighting equipment used in illumination of off street parking areas shall not create a nuisance or hazard for streets or adjoining properties.
F.   Clearance:
   1.   There shall be a minimum vertical clearance, free of all obstructions to a height of ten feet (10'), for all portions of any off street parking space, except when off street parking spaces are provided in a parking structure, a residential garage, or carport. No obstruction shall project into this minimum clearance.
   2.   There shall be no obstruction within or near the bounds of any required off street parking space which would interfere with the normal availability and use thereof.
G.   Landscaping: All property used solely for off street parking lots shall comply with the landscaping requirements set forth in chapter 19.40 of this title.
H.   Curb, Guttering And Aprons: All property fronting on city streets shall have curb, guttering and aprons which comply with the construction standards set forth in title 12 of this code; provided, that this regulation shall not be applied to existing single- and two-family dwellings and to new single- and two-family dwellings in subdivisions where:
   1.   No more than two (2) new lots are created;
   2.   Current access to the property is provided by an existing street which does not meet the curb and gutter standards of the city.
I.   Parking Lot Maintenance: Parking lots in commercial districts shall be maintained free of potholes and areas of crumbling, broken pavement, or exposed base material. When more than ten percent (10%) of the total parking lot pavement area is in such condition, the property owner shall, in accordance with the construction standards set forth in title 12 of this code, repair the affected area at his expense within sixty (60) days following notification by the city. (Ord. 968 §1, 2002: Ord. 832 §1, 1997)