A.   New Construction Or Remodeling In All Zoning Districts:
   1.   A building permit is required,
   2.   No building permit shall be approved until a plan has been reviewed and approved by the city as a part of the building and site plan review process,
   3.   No certificate of occupancy shall be issued until all off street parking and/or loading facilities have been constructed in accordance with the approved building permit.
B.   Plan And Information Required: The applicant for a building permit for new construction, expansion or remodeling shall submit a plan showing the number, location, and size of parking spaces. The applicant shall submit information regarding the projected number of employees, seating capacities, gross floor area, gross leasable area, number of dwelling units, and any other appropriate data necessary to verify compliance with these requirements.
C.   Plans For Surfacing Of Parking Areas: Plans for surfacing of all off street parking areas, aisles, and access driveways, including detailed drainage plans, shall be reviewed and approved by the city for compliance with city specifications.
D.   Permits: Permits for driveways, aprons or approaches in all zoning districts are required, and improvements must meet the construction standards set forth in title 12 of this code.
E.   Interpretation And Appeal: If questions of interpretation or application of these requirements to particular uses or structures arise, the city shall, based on findings of fact, make a determination of the off street parking, loading or access requirements. Any aggrieved property owner may appeal such determination to the board of adjustment as a part of the building permit application review process.
F.   Enforcement: The city shall determine which department shall be responsible for parking or vehicle violations and shall issue policy directives for enforcement in accordance with the requirements set forth in chapter 2.24 of this code. (Ord. 968 §1, 2002: Ord. 846 §1, 1998: Ord. 832 §1, 1997)