19.44.010: INTENT:
The intent of this chapter is to require proper access and adequate off street parking and loading facilities for each use of land within the city, based on the demand created by each use.
A.   Off Street Parking And Loading Required: Permanent off street parking and loading areas in the amount specified in this chapter for each use shall be provided at any time a building is constructed, or at the time a main building is enlarged or increased in capacity by adding dwelling units, guestrooms, seats, or floor area; or before conversion from one type of use to another.
B.   Use Of Public Right Of Way: No portion of any required off street parking space shall occupy or use any street, right of way, alley, or other public property. Parking spaces which use any street or public right of way as a direct means of access without the intermediate use of service aisles and entrances of at least the minimum standards specified in this chapter shall be prohibited. A public alley shall be the only public right of way area permitted for maneuvering space to reach a required parking stall.
C.   Minimum Standards And Property Owner Responsibility: The standards contained in this chapter represent the minimum requirements. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to certify, at the time he applies for a building permit, that his plan is adequate to provide sufficient spaces and facilities necessary to assure that no activity will take place on public streets or property. Any use developed after the date of adoption of these requirements which fails to provide for off street parking, loading, and access needs shall be in violation of this title. Upon determination by the city that a property owner has not provided adequate parking or loading space to serve his operation, the property owner shall be required to either develop additional parking or loading space or reduce the size of the operation to fit the space available.
D.   Ownership Or Control: The land on which the off street parking or loading facility is located shall be owned or controlled by the same entity which owns or controls the land on which the principal use is located. Such ownership or control shall be evidenced by a legal instrument duly recorded. (Ord. 832 §1, 1997)