A.   The SPUD application will be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council at public hearings in accordance with established review procedures for consideration of applications for rezoning. As a part of the City review, the Planning Commission or City Council may require additional information, including, but not limited to, the following: evidence of a market feasibility study; traffic impact study; infrastructure improvements or dedication of necessary easements and rights-of- way; developer meetings with surrounding property owners; replatting; building elevations; specific plat restrictions, covenants, height, use, setback, or coverage requirements; standards for proposed signs, including number, size, height, method of illumination, and location; creation of a property owners' association; posting of a performance bond or other surety for required public improvements.
B.   The SPUD shall not reduce the Town Center District standards, including but not limited to, quality of building materials, landscaping requirements, sight proof screening standards, sign standards, building access, and general long term upgrading of the district.
C.   The SPUD Master Plan shall control the development of the property, and all building permits shall be in accord with said plan until it is otherwise amended by the City Council. The developer shall furnish a reproducible copy of the SPUD Master Plan Map at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20') for signature by the Chair of the Planning Commission and the Mayor, with acknowledgment by the City Clerk. The SPUD Master Plan, including the signed map and all supporting data, shall be made a part of the permanent file and maintained by the City Clerk.
D.   Upon final approval by the City Council of the SPUD Master Plan and the appropriate ordinance of rezoning, the site shall be designated as an amendment to the official zoning districts map. The ordinance of rezoning shall adopt the SPUD Master Plan, its commitments, and all supporting documentation by reference, and they shall be enforced by the City in the administration of the zoning ordinance.
E.   No building permit shall be issued by the City for the SPUD area until these requirements have been met. (Ord. 1169, 2016)