A.   Required: The SPUD Master Development Plan shall be submitted as a part of the application for rezoning and included by reference in the ordinance of rezoning. The Master Development Plan establishes the use and development regulations for all properties developed in the SPUD District, subject to the guidelines of this chapter. It consists of a design statement and a Master Development Plan Map,
B.   Design Statement: The SPUD design statement is written documentation describing the project and identifying the basic zoning district in this Code whose regulations shall apply unless specifically modified here. The design statement is incorporated by reference into the City ordinance of rezoning for enforcement purposes. The design statement shall include, at a minimum:
   1.   Title of the SPUD;
   2.   Legal description of the property;
   3.   Name and address of owner plus applicant if representing owner;
   4.   Reference to the conventional zoning district or districts in this Code that will regulate use and development of the property unless specifically modified in the design statement, provided that uses permitted only in the C-4 and C-5 Districts are not eligible unless the subject property was classified in one of these districts on December 31, 2015;
   5.   Provision and guidelines for any mixed uses, including specific description of any mixed residential and commercial uses;
   6.   Specific prohibition of any uses or use categories to be restricted;
   7.   Architectural and construction standards to show conformance with Town Center guidelines including but not limited to:
      a.   Schedule of building materials, including structures, sight proof screening, sidewalks, signs, and other architectural elements;
      b.   Description of landscaping elements and pedestrian ways;
      c.   Proposed lot coverage;
   8.   Development schedule, including phased development plans.
C.   SPUD Master Development Plan Map: The SPUD Master Development Plan Map shall be drawn to a standard engineering scale and shall contain the following information to ensure compliance and conformance with the standards of the Town Center Overlay District and any other applicable ordinances:
   1.   North arrow.
   2.   All property lines.
   3.   All adjacent street and alley rights-of-way, showing the centerline of each, and any street names.
   4.   Complete site design elements, which may be on individual drawings, as follows:
      a.   The specific location of all proposed buildings, accessory structures, and service facilities such as garages and delivery docks;
      b.   Location of trash receptacles with required sight proof screening indicated;
      c.   Location of driveway approaches;
      d.   The off-street parking and maneuvering arrangement;
      e.   Public sidewalks (required) and on-site pedestrian circulation;
      f.   Location of required and voluntary sight-proof screening abutting adjacent properties;
   5.   Landscaping plan, including a listing of all trees and plant material, and an irrigation plan;
   6.   A site lighting plan;
   7.   Rendering of front, side, and rear elevations of all buildings, including a schedule of building materials;
   8.   Number, description and location of attached and free-standing sign(s);
   9.   Any other pertinent information/exhibits necessary for review, approval and administration of the SPUD. (Ord. 1169, 2016)