(A)   Rules.
      (1)   Words used in the present tense shall include the future; words used in the singular number shall include the plural number, and the plural, the singular.
      (2)   The word “shall” is mandatory and not discretionary.
      (3)   The word “may” is permissive.
      (4)   The word “building” shall include the word “structure” and the word “lot” shall include the word “plot”.
   (B)   Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      ALLEY. A public right-of-way, used primarily for vehicular traffic, along the side of or in the rear of properties which affords only a secondary means of access to these properties.
      BLOCK. A tract of land bounded by streets, or a combination of streets and public parks, cemeteries, railroad rights-of-way, bulkhead lines or corporate boundary lines of the village.
      BUILDING. Any structure designed, built or intended for the shelter, enclosure or protection of persons, animals, chattel or movable property of any kind.
      BUILDING LINE. A line within a lot or other parcel of land, so designated on the plat of the proposed subdivision, between which and the adjacent boundary of the street upon which the lot abuts the erection of an enclosed structure or portion thereof is to be prohibited.
      COUNCIL, BOARD. Whenever the words “Board” or “Village Board” are used in this chapter they shall mean the Board of the Village of Wapella.
      CROSSWALK. A strip of land dedicated to public use which is reserved across a block to provide pedestrian access to adjacent areas.
      CUL-DE-SAC. A street having one open end and being permanently terminated by a vehicle turn-around.
      EASEMENT. A grant by a property owner for the use of a strip of land by the general public, a corporation or a certain person or persons for a specific purpose or purposes.
      LOT. A portion of a subdivision or other parcel of land intended for transfer of ownership or for building development.
      MINOR STREET. A street intended primarily as access to abutting properties.
      PLAT. A plan, map, drawing or chart on which the subdivided plan of the subdivision is presented and which he or she submits for approval and intends to record in final form.
      PLAT, FINAL. The drawings and documents presented for final approval and as described in § 152.05(B).
      PLAT, PRELIMINARY (GENERAL PLAN). The drawings and documents presented for conditional approval and as described in § 152.05(A).
      PRIMARY OR MAJOR STREET. A street of considerable continuity which serves or is intended to serve as a major traffic artery connecting large areas.
      PUBLIC STREET. All primary, secondary and minor streets which are shown on the subdivision plat and are to be dedicated for public use.
      ROADWAY. The paved area for vehicular traffic existing on a street right-of-way, and not the street right-of-way width.
      SECONDARY OR COLLECTOR STREET. A street which carries traffic from minor streets to the primary street system, including the principal entrance streets of residence development and streets for circulation within such development.
      STREET. A street is an area which serves or is intended to serve as a vehicular and pedestrian access to abutting lands or to other streets.
      STREET WIDTH. The shortest distance between lines of lots delineating the public street.
      STRUCTURE. That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.
      SUBDIVIDER. The person or persons responsible for preparing and recording the plats of the subdivision and for carrying out all appropriate requirements relating thereto as outlined in this chapter.
      SUBDIVISION. The division of land into two or more parts, any of which is less than five acres, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or building development, including all public streets, alleys, ways for public service facilities, parks, playgrounds, school grounds or other public grounds, and all the tracts, parcels, lots or blocks, and numbering of all such lots, blocks or parcels by progressive numbers, giving their precise dimensions; provided, however, that the following shall not be considered a subdivision and shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter:
         (a)   The division or subdivision of land into parcels or tracts of five acres or more; in size which does not involve any new streets or easements of access;
         (b)   The division of lots or blocks of less than one acre in any recorded subdivision which does not involve any new streets or easements of access;
         (c)   The sale or exchange of parcels of land between owners of adjoining and contiguous land;
         (d)   The conveyance of parcels of land or interests therein for use as right-of-way for railroads or other public utility facilities which does not involve any new streets or easements of access;
         (e)   The conveyance of land owned by a railroad or other public utility which does not involve any new streets or easements of access;
         (f)   The conveyance of land for highway or other public purposes or grants or conveyances relating to the dedication of land for public use or instruments relating to the vacation of land impressed with a public use;
         (g)   Conveyances made to correct descriptions in prior conveyances; and
         (h)   The sale or exchange of parcels or tracts of land existing on August 1, 1965, into no more than two parts and not involving any new streets or easements of access.
      VILLAGE ENGINEER. The person or firm charged with the responsibility of municipal engineering matters.
      ZONING ORDINANCE. The zoning laws of Wapella, Illinois.
(1975 Code, § 33-103)