(A)   All applications for licenses shall be made to the Village Clerk, properly filled out, upon blank forms to be furnished by said Village Clerk, and upon any application being delivered to said Village Clerk in proper form the same shall be delivered to and presented to the President and Board of Trustees at the next regular or special meeting of said Village Board following the delivery of said application to the said Village Clerk. All license fees herein prescribed shall be payable six months in advance and shall not be in force until said fee is paid to the Village Clerk. No rebate for any license fee or any portion thereof shall be paid to or be available to any licensee on account of said license having been revoked, by whatsoever authority, for any violation of any ordinance of the village, or any state law pertaining to the conduct of the business covered by this chapter or the conduct of any business conducted by said licensee in connection with the sale of malt beverages, distilled alcoholic liquors or wines, the storage of beverages herein covered or the distribution of same.
   (B)   Every application for license covered by this chapter shall state in said application, at minimum:
      (1)   The name of the applicant;
      (2)   The location of the premises where it is intended to sell, store or distribute, or manufacture beverages covered by this chapter;
      (3)   Whether applicant desires to sell for consumption on or off premises, or whether applicant is to be retailer, wholesaler or distributor or manufacturer;
      (4)   Whether applicant is able and willing to give bond and security as provided by said ordinance;
      (5)   Whether applicant has ever been convicted of any felony by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction;
      (6)   Applicant’s present place of residence and whether American-born or naturalized, and if naturalized, the date and place of naturalization; and
      (7)   Whether applicant is a person addicted by habit to the abnormal use of distilled alcoholic liquors, malt beverages or fruit or vinous beverages.
(1975 Code, § 22-110)