(a)   Plans and Specifications; Permits. No ground sign board, roof sign board, wall bulletin, projecting sign, marquee and marquee sign, standard sign or other device shall be erected, constructed, repaired, remodeled, reconstructed or relocated within the City unless and until:
      (1)   The plans and specifications for the same have been submitted to the Planning Commission;
      (2)   The plans and specifications are approved by the Commission;
      (3)   A permit is issued by the Commission;
      (4)   The permit fee is paid; and
      (5)   The special requirements, as provided for in this chapter, with reference to the particular type of sign or advertising and commercial information medium, have been met fully.
   (b)   Plan Details. Plans and specifications submitted to the Commission shall set forth full details as to the type of sign, its construction, location and size, and the means and manner by which the same is to be located, erected and constructed, along with other information the Commission may request.
   (c)   Fees. The fees set forth in this subsection shall be paid and collected for the required permit for the type of sign or medium designated:
Type of Sign
Fee per Location
Ground sign board
$ .25 per square foot
Roof sign board
.25 per square foot
Wall bulletin
.25 per square foot
Projecting sign
1.00 per square foot
Marquee and marquee sign
10.00 per square foot
Standard sign
1.00 per square foot
Other device
25.00 or $.25 per square foot, whichever is greater.
   (d)   Permit Issuance. Upon submission of plans and specifications, the Commission shall consider and investigate the same, and when a majority of the members of the Commission are satisfied that the plans and specifications are acceptable and conform in all respects to the provisions and regulations of this chapter, the Commission shall issue a permit upon payment of the prescribed permit fee. However, the Commission may authorize the Director of Public Service and Safety, as a member of the Commission, to issue permits under the Commission's supervision. The Director shall be bound by the same considerations in permit issuance as the Commission would be.
   (e)   Illuminated Signs. No permit for any illuminated sign shall be issued unless plans and specifications therefor have been certified as safe from fire hazard by the head of the City Electric Department and the Fire Chief.
(1978 Code § 110.02)