(a)   Orders to Comply.
      (1)   The Director of Safety and Service or his or her designee shall enforce this chapter and shall use the procedures outlined herein. All suspected violations and complaints shall be investigated by the Director of Safety and Service or his or her designee and the Director of Safety and Service or his or her designee shall issue an order to the owner of the property upon which a violation of this chapter exists to take specific actions that would bring the property into compliance with this chapter.
      (2)   The order shall state the corrective measures that are required to avoid hazards to public health and safety and/or to protect adjoining or neighboring properties from safety, fire and structural hazards and to comply with this chapter.
      (3)   The order shall be served upon the property owner at his or her last known address as set forth on the Real Property Tax records of the county wherein the property is located.
      (4)   The order shall contain a date certain when such corrective measures shall be completed which shall be no less than thirty days or more than one year.
      (5)   At the discretion of the Director of Safety and Service or his or her designee, where he or she finds that the purposes of this chapter would be better served, he or she may issue a notice of conditions that require corrections. Such notice shall contain the same information as an order, however, such notice is not appealable nor shall disobedience of a notice be subject to penalty. The issuance of a notice shall not in any way bar the issuance of an order encompassing the same conditions at any time.
   (b)   Appeals.
      (1)   The property owner may appeal the order by filing a request for appeal upon the Board of Building Code Appeals within fifteen days of the date of the order by services of the request for appeal upon the City. If no request for appeal is made within the time set forth herein, the right to appeal shall be deemed as waived.
      (2)   The Board of Building Code Appeals shall consider the appeal at the next regular meeting or within thirty days, whichever is lesser, from the date of the request for appeal. The appeal shall address the order issued by the Director of Safety and Service or his or her designee. The Board may adopt the order, in whole or in part, amend the order or dismiss the order. The Board shall not dismiss an order that allows a condition to exist that creates a danger to any person or property of the City.
      (3)   The decision of the Board of Building Code Appeals may be appealed by the property owner to the Court of Common Pleas.
(Ord. 2010-19-R. Passed 5-17-10.)