No owner, tenant or lessee of any public or private premises shall permit or accumulate any garbage or refuse on his or her premises except in covered containers approved by the Director of Public Service and Safety. The containers shall be constructed of metal or plastic in a manner as to be strong, not easily corrodible and rodentproof, and shall have a capacity of not more than thirty-five gallons, the size to be designated by the Director of Public Service and Safety, and shall have tight covers, the same to be in place at all times except when refuse is being deposited therein or removed therefrom. Where garbage and one or more types of refuse are disposed of separately, separate containers may be required by the Director of Public Service and Safety, and boxes, papers, tree cuttings and odd articles shall be crushed and/or bundled in lengths not to exceed five feet and not to exceed fifty pounds in weight.
(1978 Code § 51.03)