(a)   The City hereby establishes a wellhead isolation area that is a three hundred feet (300) radius around each of its water wells, as identified on Exhibit A attached to Ordinance 2007-19.
   (b)   The City hereby establishes the following wellhead protection rules which shall apply to all
properties located within the wellhead isolation area as established in division (a) above. The following may not be installed or maintained within the wellhead isolation area:
      (1)   Septic tanks, leaching wells or beds, privies, cesspools, surface or subsurface sand filters, sewage force mains, sewage treatment plants or other facilities which may create a possible source of contamination as determined by the Director of the City's water supply; and/or
      (2)   Field drainage tiles or a sewer transmission line which shall hold or carry sanitary or chemical waste or storm water on, across or through such land unless otherwise approved by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency; and/or
      (3)   Livestock holding areas, barnyards, or feed lots for which feed is brought in from another source, except that ordinary pasture grazing shall not be prohibited; and/or
      (4)   Railroad rights-of-way in which spills may occur or defoliant agents may be applied; and/or
      (5)   Waste or product storage tanks (above or below ground), oil and gas production wells, raining operations, landfills, disposal areas old or new, demolition fill areas, pipelines (gas mains, oil mains, etc,), manufacturing facilities in the proximity of the proposed well field, abandoned wells, etc.; and/or
      (6)   Streams, rivers and ditches that are grossly contaminated as determined by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(Ord. 2007-19. Passed 6-4-07.)