(a)   No person shall be granted a permit to install, construct or maintain a sewer, drain or tile through, in or under the public streets or alleys whether or not the streets or alleys have been open to public use, for the purpose of draining or disposing of sewage, industrial waste or storm water, until the person has presented his or her plans, specifications and profiles of the proposed work to the Director of Public Service and Safety and has had the same approved by the Director.
   (b)   The Director of Public Service and Safety shall, before approving the plans, specifications and profiles, consider the relation of the proposed installation or construction to the plan of sewerage existing in the area where the sewer, drain or tile, is to be installed, constructed or maintained. He or she shall also consider the adequacy of the proposed sewer, drain or tile, with reference to present and future expected flows, and the availability of the sewer to the properties abutting on the street or alley wherein the sewer is to be installed, constructed or maintained.
(1978 Code § 94.11)