For purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings ascribed to them respectively.
   (a)   "Coin or electrically operated amusement device" means any amusement device displayed in a public or private place, where persons operating it are charged a valuable consideration for its use by its owner, or are required to insert a coin in the device or any part thereof for its use, and where the operation of the device by those so charged is designed to test their skill in achieving the objective for which the device is designed.
   (b)   "Display" means keeping a coin or electrically operated amusement device anywhere within the corporate limits, whether or not the device is located on premises open to the general public.
   (c)   "Person" means any natural person, firm or corporation who or which has in his, her or its possession any coin or electrically operated amusement device.
(1978 Code § 111.01)