(a) Consideration of political or religious opinions as a test for employment or promotion in any position of the City service shall not be practiced. Membership in any organization shall not be required of City employees.
(b) Since City employees are members of the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System and Police and Fire Pension Fund, the rules pertaining to age of retirement shall be in conformity with those established by the Ohio Revised Code and legal interpretations thereof.
(c) The City of Wapakoneta is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such will comply with the rules and regulations established for that purpose.
(d) The Director of Public Service and Safety shall consult with the department head and determine the educational requirements for appointment to specific positions in the Department of Public Service and Safety.
(e) All rules and regulations of the City governing employees and employment matters are decided on the assumption that all permanent employees and, as nearly as possible, all other employees, are persons of good character, skilled in their work and adaptable to the working conditions associated with public utility and City operations.
(f) Full-time employees may not carry on concurrently with their City employment any private business or undertaking, attention to which affects the time or quality of their City work.
(g) No employee shall use or permit the use of any City equipment or facilities under his or her control for any purpose other than official use, except as may be designated and determined by the Director of Public Service and Safety, when no equipment or facilities can be furnished from a private source.
(h) It shall be grounds for dismissal for an employee to seek or receive compensation or special favors from any source other than the City in connection with the carrying out of official duties and responsibilities.
(Ord. 2003-26. Passed 5-5-03; Ord. 2006-31. Passed 7-17-06.)