204.01 CITY SEAL.
   The seal hereinafter described is hereby proclaimed to be the official seal of the City.
   Seal: The seal shall consist of two concentric circles, with the words "City of Wapakoneta, Ohio" at the top and the year "1833" at the bottom, displayed between the circles. The year 1833 is the year during which Wapakoneta arose from the wilderness and was officially founded by our forefathers. Inside the center circle, a panoramic view of the City and countryside shall have a background of the sun, rising toward the heavens. The silhouette of the City shall exemplify the downtown business district, the Auglaize County Courthouse and a church steeple. A river angles across the foreground of the scene with three large trees lining the bank on the left. The right side of the scene displays a field of thriving corn. The lower center of the scene shows neatly prepared sheathes of wheat. The full scene clearly demonstrates the beauty, honor and respect that exists between church, state, business and nature in Wapakoneta.
(Ord. 94-36. Passed 6-15-94.)