   The catchlines of the sections of this code printed in capital letters are intended as mere catchwords to indicate the contents of the section and shall not be deemed or taken to be titles of such sections, nor as any part of any section, nor unless expressly so provided, shall they be so deemed when any section, including its catchline, is amended or reenacted.
   The matter in parenthesis at the ends of sections is only for information purposes and is not a part of the code. Citations indicate only the source and the text may or may not be changed by this code. This code is a new enactment under the provisions of K.S.A. 12-3014 and 12-3015. Reference matter not in parenthesis is only for information purposes and is not a part of this code.
   Any portion of this code may be amended by specific reference to the section number as follows: “Section _____ of the code of the City of Wamego is hereby amended to read as follows: (the new provisions shall then be set out in full). . .” A new section not heretofore existing in the code may be added as follows: “The code of the City of Wamego is hereby amended by adding a section (or article or chapter) which reads as follows: . . . (the new provisions shall be set out in full). . .” All sections, or articles, or chapters to be repealed shall be repealed by specific reference as follows: “Section (or article or chapter) __________ of the code of the City of Wamego is hereby repealed.”
   All powers exercised by cities of the second class, or which shall hereafter be conferred upon them, shall be exercised by the governing body, subject to such limitations as prescribed by law.
   (a)   The governing body shall have the care, management and control of the city and its finances, and shall pass all ordinances needed for the welfare of the city.
   (b)   All ordinances shall be valid when a majority of all the members-elect of the City Commission shall vote in favor.
   (c)   Where the number of favorable votes is one less than required, the Mayor shall have power to cast the deciding vote in favor of the ordinance.
(K.S.A. 12-3002)
   No ordinance shall contain more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in its title; and no section or sections of an ordinance shall be amended unless the amending ordinance contains the entire section or sections as amended and the section or sections amended shall be repealed.
(K.S.A. 12-3004)
   (a)   No ordinance, except those appropriating money, shall be in force until published in the official city newspaper by the City Clerk. One publication of any such ordinance shall be sufficient unless additional publications are required by statute or ordinance. The publisher of the newspaper shall prefix such published ordinance by a line in brackets stating the month, day and year of such publication.
   (b)   In lieu of subsection (a), the city may opt to publish a summary of an ordinance so long as:
      (1)   The publication is identified as a “summary” and contains notice that the complete text of the ordinance may be obtained or viewed free of charge at the office of the City Clerk;
      (2)   The City Attorney certifies the summary of the ordinance prior to publication to ensure that the summary is legally accurate and sufficient; and
      (3)   The publication contains the city's official website address where a reproduction of the original ordinance is available for a minimum of one week following the summary publication in the newspaper.
   (c)   If an ordinance is subject to petition pursuant to state law, then the summary shall contain a statement that the ordinance is subject to petition.
(K.S.A. 12-3007)
   Following final passage and approval of each ordinance, the City Clerk shall enter the same in the ordinance book of the city as provided by law. Each ordinance shall have appended thereto the manner in which the ordinance was passed, the date of passage, the page of the journal containing the record of the final vote on its passage, the name of the newspaper in which published and the date of publication.
(K.S.A. 12-3008)