It shall be unlawful to burn or set fire to any garbage for the purpose of disposal. In addition, it shall be unlawful to bury any refuse for the purpose of disposal unless a permit therefor has been granted by the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
Editorial Note: Extensive state regulations are in effect with respect to the open burning of trash and refuse; see Dept. of Environmental Management; Regulations Governing the Control of Air Pollution.
All garbage and refuse shall be collected and placed in containers as required by this chapter, and it shall be unlawful for any person to permit garbage or refuse to accumulate or remain on any premises longer than is reasonably necessary to remove and deposit same in approved containers as required herein.
The occupant of every building or premises where garbage and refuse does or may exist shall provide containers made of substantial galvanized iron, plastic, rubber, or other nonrusting material in which shall be deposited all garbage and refuse existing at such building or premises. Each container shall be provided with handles or bails and with a tight fitting cover made of the same material as the container. All containers shall be watertight and they shall be of a size that can be conveniently handled by the collectors, and no container shall be more than 30 gallons in capacity nor measure over 22 inches in diameter or 30 inches in height. All containers shall be kept in a reasonably clean condition.
All garbage and refuse shall have the liquid drained therefrom and shall be wrapped in paper or other like material before it is placed in the container for collection. Ashes and cinders shall be placed in a separate container provided for that purpose and no ashes shall be deposited in any container until they are cold. Containers which fail to have a cover as required in § 41.05 or which have become rusted or broken and therefore are unable to contain garbage and refuse in a satisfactory manner shall not be used.
It shall be unlawful for any person to damage, displace, or to otherwise interfere with garbage containers or their contents except the owner or on permission or at the request of the owner.
(A) No bulk trash, tree limbs, shrubbery cuttings, leaves, and other refuse will be collected without special charge unless such refuse can be placed in regulation type garbage cans.
(B) Any property owner desiring special bulk collections of loose matter not in closed containers or tied in bundles may request a special collection for which a special charge will be made. If sufficient manpower and equipment are available, village personnel are authorized to make such special collections, provided that person making the request agrees to pay for the labor and equipment used at the rate specified by the village.
(C) No collection shall be made from vacant lots nor shall any large rocks, tree trunks, tree stumps, tree limbs of more than six feet in length, or other heavy objects be collected by the village. No waste building materials or lot clearings shall be collected from houses or other structures under construction or recently completed.
(D) Material to be collected by special collections shall be placed in neat piles and so located that such refuse can be easily loaded on trucks for disposal.