(A)   All family domestic units within the city shall dispose of their refuse in the following manner.
All refuse shall be placed in metal or plastic garbage cans equipped with tightly-fitted covers or in plastic bags suitably designed and sufficiently strong to hold and confine the materials placed therein. Garbage cans shall be not more than 32-gallon capacity. Materials placed into a garbage can shall be drained and wrapped in paper to avoid odor and to prevent freezing to the can. No hot ashes shall be placed into any garbage container. All ashes must be placed in a cardboard box separate from all other garbage. The Public Works Director or City Council may require the use of plastic or metal garbage cans at any location if a persistent problem exists with animals breaking plastic bags.
   (B)   Garbage cans and waste material containers required by this section shall be kept on the premises adjacent to an alley bordering on the premises and so as to be accessible from the alley adjoining the premises. Where no alley is available, garbage cans and waste material containers shall be placed on the parkway or parking adjoining the premises on the day of the garbage collection only during such times as is practically necessary to permit scheduled collection and in no event more than 24 hours before or after the scheduled collection time. Garbage cans and waste material containers shall be so placed that the collectors of garbage do not have to carry such cans or containers for a distance of more than ten feet to reach the collection vehicle. No garbage truck shall be required to use any private driveway in collecting refuse under the provisions of this chapter.
   (C)   No person shall place any hazardous or special waste into any container for collection by the city or any commercial refuse collector authorized by the city to collect garbage and the like.
(Prior Code, § 8.16.070) (Ord. 94-1, passed - -) Penalty, see § 51.99