(A)   Snow removal alert. Whenever there is snow accumulation on the public street of two or more inches, the snow removal alert shall be in effect, with the exception of any measurable snow accumulation on Main Street and Glenn Street or any other street designated by the Council. A snow removal alert may also be declared by the Public Works Director, Mayor, and/or Street Committee.
(Prior Code, § 12.16.030)
   (B)   Termination of snow alert. After a snow removal alert has become effective, there will be no declaration of its termination, but such alert shall terminate, and the provisions of this chapter shall become not effective nor enforceable as to any particular street or portion of a street as soon as that street or portion thereof has been plowed and/or cleared of snow accumulation, side to side, after which normal parking may be resumed until the next declared snow removal alert.
(Prior Code, § 12.16.050)
(Ord. 97-6, passed - -; Ord. 07-15, passed - -; Ord. 10-1, passed 2-4-2010)